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progettazione e realizzazione linee vita

Contact us

TI aiuteremo a stabilire se e quando sono necessari o obbligatori i sistemi di linee vita, e, nei casi previsti dalle normative, ti aiuteremo a trovare le soluzioni perfette per te.

Il progetto LINEA VITA alpina permette di soddisfare ogni tipologia di richiesta, in grado di garantire la sicurezza salvaguardando l’impatto ambientale..
Il tuo partner per le linee vita è a Brescia!
Contattaci, e scoprirai quanto è facile risolvere i problemi con l'aiuto di veri esperti del settore.

Privacy policy pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003.
The data you have entered, such as the identification data, addresses, phone numbers and email address, will be processed by Carpenteria Padana responsible for processing the data for the site
The data will be processed electronically, for the sole purpose of responding to your requests and will not be made available to third parties, or transferred in any way.

The processing of such data is necessary for the simple assolviemnto your requests.
As concerned the treatment, The guaranteed exercise of rights under Art. 7, Leg. 196/03, including the right to obtain from Carpenteria Padana confirmation of your personal data and their communication in intelligible form, to know the terms and logic of the treatment, to request updating and integration of data, their cancellation or made anonymous, in case of violation of the law, as well as, to object to their treatment.

These rights may be exercised by contacting in any time in writing or by email to Carpenteria Padana, at its headquarters indicated to