La CARPENTERIA PADANA è un'azienda produttrice di linee vita e dispositivi contro le cadute dall’alto, riconosciuta come punto di riferimento nel settore della sicurezza e prevenzione.
CARPENTERIA PADANA is a manufacturer of devices and life lines against falls from a height, recognized as a benchmark in the field of safety and prevention.
We offer a complete service dealing with the design and manufacture of products "Alpine LIFE LINE".
This brand is designed to develop the best solutions according to the various contexts in which technologies are required for the prevention of risks associated with falling from heights.
Among our clients we can boast the largest public corporations, some of the largest companies in the industrial and agricultural sector
We performed interventions residential and condominium, but also in the context of historical and artistic character.
Alpine LIFE LINE is able to guarantee security while preserving the environmental impact.
The LIFELINE brand products alpina are compliant with the new legislation, as they have passed the tests brilliantly
necessary for the conformity certification UNI EN 795:2012/UNI-CEN/TS 16415:2013-UNI: 11578 2015.
The certification process was developed jointly by the PO and STRUCTURAL WORK completed by Italian certifying body.
Alpine LIFE LINE products are made of stainless steel and treated steel with galvanic zinc.
They do not present problems regarding corrosion and weather resistance as they passed related laboratory testing corrosion resistance in saline mist.